
Category - Web Development

be wonderful.

Computer and monitor showing browser page.

When to use a website cookie policy seems to be one of the areas we get questions about fairly often when building a new website. Over the past few years, our data, personal privacy, and the information footprint we leave as we move across the internet have become of supreme …

surreal collage depicting the website decision process

Why WordPress?

When deciding what you need for a website, WordPress is often thrown into the discussion as a possible option for powering your site. But what is WordPress? What is a CMS? And when would I consider WordPress as an option for my website?

What is HTTPS and SSL

Many people know that when you go to a website, the URL will usually begin with either an “http://” or “https://” before the actual domain name. Yet, most people will not know what the differences between those two acronyms are.

About shop

We are Shop, a web design and graphic design studio based in Vancouver, WA. We’re a small group of designers, developers, writers, and makers who have banded together with the goal of creating beautiful design.