In November Shop partner, Erin Lynch, had the opportunity to reach a personal milestone when he had the opportunity to interview groundbreaking web designer and friend, Jeffrey Zeldman. The piece, Focusing on a Flexible Future: A Talk with Jeffrey Zeldman, was the second in a series of three articles Erin put together for AIGA Portland in 2017 on designers who have transitioned from corporate jobs to start their own studios. In the article, Jeffrey shares some fantastic insights into his time as a designer, what it takes to be a successful studio owner, the role of risk in the life of a designer, and some of the pratfalls he’s experienced along the way.
Erin also took a few minutes to share some of his own thoughts on his interview with Zeldman. His piece, My Interview with Jeffrey Zeldman, goes into a bit more depth into his thoughts on talking with his friend and former A List Apart team mate.
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